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I’m launching a new campaign called the NXT Idea Fund where each month I will give away $1,000 in total to two different people ($500 each) who participate and share this video. To enter in this monthly giveaway, 1. Subscribe to My Channel 2. Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/itsdawei (where I will be announcing the winner next Sunday, April 7th) 3. comment how you would use the money to aid in a passion of yours, try something you have not tried before, start up your very own business/venture, taking a class, etc. Anyway you would use this money in a positive way is UP TO YOU! Share to your friends to spread the word. If you do win, the only requirement to redeem the CASH is a video chat with me to share your idea and how you will spend this $500 for your passion. Can’t wait to meet all of you thorough this journey! Links: Community Guidelines: http://www.youtube.com/t/community_gu… Terms of Service: http://www.youtube.com/static?gl=US&t… * YouTube is not a sponsor of this contest and require users to release YouTube from any and all liability related to this contest.